Today, it is impossible to imagine our everyday business life without the cooperation with an external company. Specialization as well as cost-effective subcontracting are some of the reasons for this approach. However, after the initial euphoria, a certain disillusionment can quickly set in. The expected cost benefits do not materialize; the necessary coordination effort has been underestimated. In addition, the framework conditions in the initial phase are often rather open. The framework conditions defined at the beginning leave some room for interpretation; at the very least, different expectations of the contractual partners arise!
What can you do to get the project/collaboration back on track in time? Wait until the jug is broken or seek dialogue beforehand! This is where business mediation with an independent third party can make a valuable contribution to keeping the communication channels alive or reopening them.
It would at least be worth a try before it comes to legal, lengthy and costly disputes. In addition, the project/collaboration is massively delayed or even made impossible.